Best Private Investigator in Singapore: 9 Best Options (2020)

logo collage of the best private investigators in Singapore

Note: For product articles, prices are accurate and products are in stock at the time of publishing.  

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It’s widely misunderstood that private investigators are hired only for one spouse to find out what their partner is up to. While this may be the case for some, there are many other reasons why private investigators are hired. Whatever the purpose, hiring the best private investigator in Singapore can unearth some truths that you may not have known before.

For a start, it’s important to note that a private investigator needs to be licensed by the Singapore Police Force. Even after undergoing private investigator training, they’re still required to undergo a series of rigorous tests to be legally recognised as a private investigator in Singapore.

What can a private investigator in Singapore do for you?

1. Maid surveillance

Maid surveillance is one of the services that private investigators can carry out. Some employers may have suspicions that their maids are engaging in activity that may be concerning. 

As such, they may hire private investigators to keep tabs on their maids on their off days. 

2. Employee surveillance

Private investigators are also able to monitor the activity of employees. Some common techniques include tracking phone records during working hours, obtaining video footage through surveillance cameras, installing monitoring software in an employee’s computer, and performing undercover surveillance. 

3. Spousal surveillance

Private investigators use various methods for this, one of which involves fixed surveillance (also known as “stakeout”). This means that they observe people and areas from a distance without being noticed. 

Another method could be stationary technical surveillance, where a hidden camera and recording equipment is installed in a parked car. This is sometimes referred to as unmanned surveillance. 

4. Children surveillance

With unhealthy content being easily accessible these days, you may be concerned about your children’s online activity and social life. 

Private investigators can assist in monitoring your children’s online presence and behaviour. This could be done by installing tracking software that can download emails, text messages, and web history within devices. 

Such software can also allow parents to view children’s real-time social activities, geographic location, as well as online purchases.

5. Finding missing persons 

Private investigators can also help you locate missing persons. However, note that you’ll need to communicate to the private investigator why the person could have gone missing. 

Did the missing person have tensions with the family? Did he have any unresolved financial responsibilities? Are there reasons to show that the missing person did not want to be located?

6. Gambling-related movements of family members

Gambling affects more than just the life of the gambler himself/herself. Perhaps you’re worried about a family member’s gambling habits turning into an addiction, and would like to intervene before it turns severe. 

The first step is to be better aware of the gambler’s habits and activities, which a private investigator can help with. 

7. Trademark or copyright infringement matters

If you suspect that another company is involved in illegal trademark or copyright infringement, you can hire a private investigator to investigate the situation. 

While there are some limitations as to how far a private investigator can investigate a company, they might still be able to find sufficient evidence for your case. 

Do enquire with individual private investigation companies to have a better understanding of what exactly they can do for you.

8. Investigations to obtain evidence for use in civil or criminal matters

Professional private investigators in Singapore can also be hired to source information for legal cases. 

For example, they can conduct surveillance to acquire evidence for criminal cases and trial preparation. For civil matters, the scope of cases can include motor vehicle accidents, workplace accidents, and wrongful loss of life. 

Best private investigator in Singapore: 9 best options 


SK Investigation is one of the leading private investigator firms in Singapore. With over 30 years of history, the company keeps up to date with the best surveillance technology. The company is also connected to 3,000 professional members in over 100 countries. 

From marital affairs to corporate fraud, SK offers almost 40 services for their clients. You can sit in for a free consultation for 15 minutes, where they can advise you on what you should do and what they can do for you. 

Having won several awards in the past decade, this is a private investigator you can approach if you’re looking for the best private investigator in Singapore.

Contact info

  • Website:
  • Address: 511 Guillemard Road, #01-31 Grandlink Square, Singapore 399849
  • Contact: +65 3129 2665
  • Operating hours: Opens daily, 9am to 10pm

2. International Investigators

international investigators logo

Whether it’s a local case or one that involves foreign parties, International Investigators can devise and execute a scheme for your case. 

One of the unique points of this company is their concern for their clients’ emotional and psychological wellbeing. As such, they also provide in-house counseling as well as legal counseling. 

While International Investigators specialises in corporate and matrimonial cases, they cater to other investigation areas as well. 

Contact info

  • Website:
  • Address: 60 Albert Street, #08-06 OG Albert Complex (Bugis MRT), Singapore 189969
  • Contact: +65 6337 6608 / +65 6337 9608
  • Operating hours: Open daily, 8am to 11pm

3. Private Eye Investigation & Consultancy

private eye investigation and consultancy logo

Private Eye provides a range of private investigator services: commercial investigation, matrimonial investigation, digital forensics, key personnel background checks, workman compensation claims investigation, and general investigation and surveillance services. 

The company applies the latest state-of-the-art equipment and technology in their work, alongside their rigour with uncovering truths.

Contact info

  • Website:
  • Address: 60 Paya Lebar Road, #12-41 Paya Lebar Square (Office Lobby 2), Singapore 409051
  • Contact: +65 6386 2010 / +65 9046 5299 (Jeffrey) / +65 9880 1892 (Joey)
  • Operating hours: Open daily, 24-hour hotline

4. Private Investigator Singapore

Private Investigator Singapore caters to various kinds of civil and criminal cases, guaranteeing sufficient and reliable evidence. 

They offer many different investigation services: infidelity investigations, pre-employment screening, covert operations, background checks, surveillance and monitoring, cybercrime investigations, insurance fraud claim investigations, and even finding missing persons. 

Private Investigator Singapore will ensure that you receive regular updates on developments. You’ll also obtain evidence in the form of video and audio records, photos, documents, and even witnesses.

Contact info

5. Asia Top Investigation

Some of the specialisations of Asia Top Investigation LLP include matrimonial investigation, commercial investigation, and more. 

Their partners — Vincent Tan and Steven Tan — have 45 years of combined experience. Vincent Tan was awarded Asia’s Top Investigator in 2012 by the American Biographical Institute, and has solved thousands of cases throughout his career.

His partner Steven Tan has trained more than 60 private investigators in the art of surveillance and evidence-gathering, both in the local and foreign context.

Contact info

6. Ranger Investigatigation & Security Services

ranger investigations and security services logo

Ranger Investigation & Security Services has been providing specialised services in security and investigation in Singapore since 1986. 

Despite their long history, their young leadership team ensures they utilise the latest equipment and technology to meet the needs of the marketplace. 

As a company, they operate based on values such as integrity, honesty, transparency, and open communication with clients. 

Contact info

  • Website:
  • Address: Block 808 French Road #07-183 and #06-169, Singapore 200808
  • Contact: +65 6296 9582 / +65 6296 9583 
  • Operating hours: Open 24 hours daily

7. DP Quest Investigation Consultancy

DP Quest logo

Founded in 2005, this company’s team comprises seasoned and licensed private investigators.

They have been known to gather and generate results quickly, while being thorough in their research and forthcoming with their data.

The company is proficient at criminal and commercial investigation, and makes use of the latest surveillance technology to achieve results.

Contact info

  • Website:
  • Address: 261 Waterloo Street, #02-17 Waterloo Centre, Singapore 180261
  • Contact: +65 6333 3398 (available 24 hours)

8. AK Global Investigation

AK Global Investigation logo

AK Global Investigation services both local and international clients, and you can engage them either through face-to-face meetings or online means. 

The company has been working with many respected legal firms in Singapore such as Tembusu Law LLP and Tito Isaac & Co LLP. They are also partners with an investigation and security consultancy firm in Korea. 

AK Global Investigation’s services include monitoring spouses, employees, and children, as well as missing persons and computer forensics investigations. 

If you’re looking for the best private investigator in Singapore that can work with foreign clientele, you can consider AK Global Investigation.

Contact info

  • Website:
  • Address: 5001 Beach Road #07-52, Golden Mile Complex, Singapore 199588
  • Contact: +65 6222 7227
  • Operating hours: Open 24 hours daily

9. CDiC Consultants

CDiC consultants logo

This company has won several awards in Singapore and the US. Priding themselves on being one of the best private investigators in Singapore, CDiC Consultants is a member of prestigious and world-class organisations.

Their services include commercial investigation, digital investigation and computer forensics, intellectual property (IP) investigation, matrimonial and family related investigation, as well as  general investigation and litigation support investigation.

Contact info

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在神话生物的领域里,貔貅的魅力尤为突出。这个神秘生物传统上被描述为有着龙的头和狮子的身体,通常还附有翅膀,以其对财富的无尽渴望而闻名。几个世纪以来,貔貅以其独特而象征性的形象吸引了主要是中国文化中的人们的想象,并且对其他文化的神话也有所影响。 但在貔貅引人入胜的外表之下隐藏着什么呢?在这篇博客中,我们将踏上一段旅程,解开貔貅的神秘之谜,深入探讨它的象征意义,探索其各种类型,揭示人们相信它能带来的多方面好处,并为您提供专业指南,以掌握其力量。 貔貅的含义 貔貅在中国文化中具有强大的象征意义。作为一种神话中的混合生物,它有着龙头和狮身,象征着力量和财富。貔貅以其凶猛的食欲而闻名,它有着独特的饮食:它吃金、银和珠宝。 这代表着来自各个方向的丰富财富积累。人们相信貔貅对保护其主人的财富有着贪得无厌的渴望,同时吸引更多的财富。每一件饰有这个高贵生物的珠宝都具有这个象征意义,因此佩戴貔貅饰品既可以防御负能量,又可以吸引积极的繁荣氛围。 貔貅手链的含义 貔貅手链不仅仅是一件珠宝饰品。它被认为是一个强大的护身符,能够吸引财富并驱赶邪恶的灵魂。起源于中国神话,貔貅是一种以其财务实力而闻名的神秘生物。 人们戴着这些手链,希望能够利用这个生物的能力,提升他们的运气和财富前景。手链上的每个貔貅护符都具有这种象征性的力量,成为佩戴者生活中的幸运之物。 它所面向的方向也很重要——许多人认为,向外指的方向可以招财,而向内指的方向可以保持财富。 貔貅戒指的含义 在中国文化中,貔貅戒指具有极高的重要性,代表着一个强大的护身符。众所周知,貔貅戒指能够吸引财富并驱散负能量,它们以神秘生物貔貅为中心。 这个传奇生物有着龙头、马身和神话中的翅膀,从各个方向汇集财富。通常戴在左手上,这些戒指作为一种运气和好运的导管,让它们流入你的生活。 貔貅项链的含义 像其他貔貅珠宝一样,貔貅项链在中国文化中承载着深刻的象征意义。它常常被珍视为繁荣和好运的象征。代表的威严生物——貔貅——据说具有吸引来自各个方向的财富的能力。 大多数貔貅项链的设计都包括一个精美制作的吊坠,通常由贵金属或宝石制成。这些吊坠在美学上展示了受尊敬的神话生物,因其对黄金和白银的渴望而闻名。 佩戴这款项链象征着一个人对财务稳定和成功的期望。在风水中,它还作为护身符,驱散负能量和邪灵。 貔貅的好处 根据中国传统信仰,貔貅在吸引和保持财富方面发挥着关键作用。由于它们被认为具有财富增长和防止厄运的能力,这些神秘生物常常被描绘在珠宝上,如手链或项链。以下是您应该了解的一些好处: 中国传说中的貔貅龙 貔貅龙在中国神话中占据着重要的地位。以其凶猛和神秘的能力而闻名,据说它能够命令其他所有神秘生物的尊重。传说告诉我们,玉皇大帝的宠物龙——貔貅,热爱金银财宝。 有一天,它吃了太多的宝藏,无法排泄。 这个奇特的生物,拥有狮子的身体和龙的头部,成为了古代中国财富积累的象征。从那时起,貔貅一直带着它的标志性微笑,永远在它的肚子里积攒着无尽的黄金——使它成为吸引财富和好运的理想护身符!他的故事继续激励着一代又一代的人们,人们把他看作是一种吉祥的生物,可以防止负能量或灾难进入家庭。 风水中的貔貅:如何区分雄性和雌性? 在深入了解风水貔貅及其不同角色之前,了解如何区分这两种神秘生物的两性是至关重要的。虽然它们的外貌可能有相似之处,但它们在风水实践中的功能差异很大。以下是一个快速指南,以区分雄性和雌性貔貅,并理解它们独特的属性。 男性

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